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Snowboarding/skiing Jolly

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 21:17
by Ali Whitby

I'm tring to organise a snowboarding/skiing open meet at the snowdome (Tamworth) as a pre-Scotland practice or just for a giggle. They have a Tuesday special offer of £35 8-11 (20th December), within this time you can jump on and off the slope as much as you like. If there's enough interest I'm hoping to get a discount as we have done with the scouts earlier in the year,

Let me know ASAP please so I can try and make the appropriate reservations.

Ali Whitby

Re: Snowboarding/skiing Jolly

Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 07:31
by Vicki
I'm still at work then. :( I really could do with some practice though.

Re: Snowboarding/skiing Jolly

Posted: 09 Dec 2011, 08:04
by Ali Whitby
Sorry! Just for a bit of clarity it is 8-11pm rather than 8-11 am.